Bahan Tinjauan Pustaka untuk Proposal Penelitian Pengembangan Sistem Berorientasi Objek

Sebagai mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang sedang menyusun proposal penelitian, akhir-akhir ini saya sedikit lebih rajin mencari sumber literatur. Bagi kalian yang sedang berkecimpung dengan penelitian pengembangan sistem. Berikut saya kutip beberapa definisi yang sering diperlukan dalam penyusunan tinjauan pustaka dalam laporan penelitian.

Definisi Sistem Informasi
Buku: Introduction to Information Systems
James A. O’Brien, George M. Marakas.—Fifteenth ed. 2010
Hal.: 4
An information system (IS) can be any organized combination of people, hardware, software, communications networks, data resources, and policies and procedures that stores, retrieves, transforms, and disseminates information in an organization.[AN1] 

Definisi Data & Informasi
Buku: Business Information Management
Penulis: Benson V., Tribe K.—1st ed. 2008
Hal.: 9
Business collect and store all sorts of data, whether they are necessary facts about their daily operations, customers, or products. Raw, unprocessed streams aof facts are usually reffered to as data. Entries of number, text, images, or other forms of computerized output are considered data. Raw data, however, is a relative term as data processing may have a number of stages, so the output from one processing stage can be consideres to be raw data for the next. After, data is processed and shaped in a meaningful form useful to a person or computer, it turns into information.[AN1] 

Definisi Sistem
Buku: Introduction to Information Systems
Penulis: James A. O’Brien, George M. Marakas.—Fifteenth ed. 2010
Hal.: 26
A system is defined as a set of interrelated components, with a clearly defined boundary, working together to achieve a common set of objectives by accepting inputs and producing outputs in an organized transformation process.[AN1] 

Definisi Proses dan Proses Software
Buku: Software Engineering, A Practioner’s Approach
Penulis: Roger S. Pressman, Ph.D.—Seventh ed. 2010
Hal.: 31
a process was defined as a collection of work activities, actions, and tasks that are performed when some work product is to be created. Each of these activities, actions, and tasks reside within a framework or model that defines their relationship with the process and with one another.The software process is represented schematically in Figure 2.1. Referring to the figure, each framework activity is populated by a set of software engineering actions. Each software engineering action is defined by a task set that identifies the work tasks that are to be completed, the work products that will be produced, the quality assurance points that will be required, and the milestones that will be used to indicate progress.[AN1] 

Definisi SDLC
Buku: Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World
Penulis: John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson,
Stephen D. Burd.—Fifth ed. 2010
Hal.: 38
One of the key, fundamental concepts in information system development is the systems development life cycle. Businesses and organizations use information systems to support all the many, varied processes that a business needs to carry out its functions. As explained in Chapter 1, there are many different kinds of information systems, and each has its own focus and purpose in supporting business processes. Each one of these information systems has a life of its own, and we, as system developers, refer to this idea as the life cycle of a system. During the life of an information system, it is first conceived as an idea; then it is designed, built, and deployed during a development project; and finally it is put into production and used to support the business. However, even during its productive use, a system is still a dynamic, living entity that is updated, modified, and repaired through smaller projects. This entire process of building, deploying, using, and updating an information system is called the systems development life cycle, or SDLC.[AN1] 

Object Oriented Analysis
Buku: Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World
Penulis: John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson,
Stephen D. Burd.—Fifth ed. 2010
Hal.: 240

The basic objective of requirements definition is understanding—understanding users’ needs, understanding how the business processes are carried out, and understanding how the system will be used to support those business processes. As we indicated in Chapter 2, system developers use a set of tools and techniques to discover and understand the requirements for a new system. This activity is a key part of the systems analysis activities of the systems development life cycle. In object-oriented development, the set of analysis activities is more specifically referred to as object-oriented analysis (OOA). The first step in the process for developing this understanding requires the fact-finding skills you learned in Chapter 4. Fact-finding activities are also called discovery activities, and obviously discovery must precede understanding. In this chapter, you learn to take discovery to the next level—to build understanding.[AN1] 

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